On the weekend of September 10, a massive storm hit Prince Edward County leaving a lot of damage in its' wake; unfortunately, Camp Trillium wasn't spared.  With campers still arriving, a massive clean-up and repair was needed to get the camp back up and running.  Damaged roofs, broken windows, fallen trees, and many branches littered the area, so they put out an APB to various service clubs in the area who would be able to help clean up.
As such, several QSR members went out to the camp on September 15 to assist.  With most of the debris gone and the buildings (almost) repaired, it was a matter of clearing branches (and driving Gators!).  It felt great to help out one of our partner organizations...with the added bonus of fellowship in the glorious sunshine!
To see a few photos from the morning, check out our album on Facebook.  Thanks to the club members (Alison, Catherine, Janet, Paul, and Stewart) who participated!